Colorado Leadership Training:
Top Performing Sales Series

Learn alongside a group of growth-oriented people who are eager to learn the five keys of SUCCESS and support those around them.
Colorado Leadership Training Will Help You Become a Better Sales Leader by Implementing the Habits and Strategies
of World-Class Sales Professionals!
Everyone wants to be more successful in sales and Colorado leadership training is how it's done. .
But few do what it takes to become better at selling. You can want to be in better shape, but if you never go out and exercise, you won't ever get there. The same is true for your sales skills...
But finding the right sales development program to increase your effectiveness with clients and customers dramatically is hard. Whether you've just started your sales career or you're a seasoned pro who has been in the game for years, the skills and techniques in your "sales toolbox" are the keys to your success.
Most Colorado leadership sales training programs focus on teaching you the "mechanics" of sales. They teach the words to say and techniques needed to approach cold leads, how to get the appointment, specific closes, and all the right words to handle any objection - usually in a single seminar. That's a lot to take in, let alone process, and begin to practice. But ours is more focused on the psychology of selling plus time-tested, proven sales principles and how to apply them to your business.
But we've all experienced taking a course or workshop where a lot of information is thrown at us. We leave feeling empowered but eventually feel overwhelmed when we start to put it all into practical use.
This feeling of overwhelm is why I created the Top Performing Sales System Series. It helps Sales Professionals take their skills to the next level. This development series guides and teaches aspiring sales representatives to be their company's Top Performers!
With this type of Colorado leadership and training you'll be enabled to develop the skills of the best of the best, with an emphasis on practical application. Instead of 2 or 3 days, we break that down into 6-week courses, so you have time to apply and practice these new strategies in between sessions. Then you come back and share your experiences and get help on what you can do to make it even more effective.
I've broken down the system into a series that teaches sales fundamentals, how to create influential relationships, and the advanced strategies that separate the top performers from the rest of the crowd. You will learn and implement the best practices of Top Sales Pros into your daily habits so that you can become a Top Performer.
The Top Performing Sales System Series includes the following 6-week workshops:
Sales Fundamentals: Tuesdays, 3-5 PM, Loveland, Colorado
Sales Influence: Tuesdays, 3-5 PM, May 16th - June 10th, Loveland Colorado
Advanced Sales Strategies: Tuesdays, 3-5 PM, September 5th - October 10th, Loveland Colorado
Join other motivated sales professionals in this 6-week Colorado leadership training workshop in a small-group setting. Sales Fundamentals is the first of three Top Performing Sales System series workshops. Each small group session (less than 12 people) will be held in our offices. Brian Lovegrove Coaching is located at 150 E. 29th St. Ste. 285, Loveland, CO 80538.
You will learn and then apply those ideas and strategies to your sales situation each week. So, if you want to be better at selling AND are willing to do the work, this workshop series is for you!
Take this sales journey with us, starting with Sales Fundamentals. In this workshop series, you will learn:
The one thing that controls 80% of your success!
How to consistently show up with Enthusiasm
How to control your mindset and eliminate the doubt and fears of hearing "No."
How to manage your time effectively and not get bogged down in the weeds
And you will do the following:
Develop your "Sales Pro Mindset"
Create an "anchor" to keep you ready to sell
Eliminate the thinking that is holding you back!
Practice a proven strategy that will make you more focused and productive.
Learn more about Sales Fundamentals and register at https://www.topperformingsales.com/
If you aren't in northern Colorado and are interested in this series, please respond to find out when we will host these classes via zoom.
Top Performing Sales Workshops
6-Week Series
Obtain trainings, strategies, and ideas that are focused on developing the habits and skills you need to achieve the results you want. You will get action steps on how to apply the material in your life immediately and practice it throughout the month.
All sessions have extended Q&As to ensure you understand the material and how to apply it to your life.
6-Week Series
Group coaching is where you challenge limiting beliefs and negative behaviors in order to develop a new level of awareness and learn new skills and mentalities.
Brian will work with one group member at a time while the rest of the group observes. You reflect on the questions being asked and learn how to apply lessons to your situation.
6-Week Series
Each member is invited to join a closed Facebook group where you can interact with the other seekers and staff to get help, support, and guidance when you need it.
We want this group to be a place where others can encourage one another. Where you can share your successes and struggles and provide feedback and support with people who are on a similar journey.