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Weekly Colorado

Keep yourself on track to achieve the goals you have set in

The 91 Day Challenge Program.

About Colorado Accountability Coaching

Colorado accountability coaching provides you an opportunity to work with Brian directly, your life or career coach, on your own schedule at an hourly rate.


Whether you are looking to have a go-to accountability partner, have someone to plan your next steps or goals with, find some motivation, or ask a few life questions from someone who has coached a vast amount of people; this could be the service for you. 

Brian understands the value of time and the need for flexibility with rigid schedules and he still wants you to know he is here for you and will be here to help you reach and achieve your dreams with Colorado accountability coaching calls and follow up.


  • Time Management

  • Productivity 

  • Motivation

  • Create Goals & Plans

  • Increase Focus and concentration

  • Create Sense of Success & Achievement 

  • Enhance Commitment & Follow Through

  • Reduce Fear 

  • Reduce Distractions

  • Become Inspired

  • Dealing with overwhelm and shiny object syndrome

  • Breaking out of the rat race

  • Effective communication

  • Leadership development

  • Building rapport and real connections

  • Getting the RIGHT things done vs running around putting out fires


  •  Finances

  •  Personal growth

  •  Life balance 

  •  Intimacy and Playfullness in Relationships

  • Dealing with Loss

  •  Finding your Mission (calling)

  •  Overcoming self doubt & low self esteem

  •  Rewriting limiting beliefs

  •  Creating an empowering mindset

  •  Living an intentional and rewarding life

  •  Making an impact and leaving a valuable legacy

  •  How to take ownership of your life

  •  Turn fear into ally instead of an enemy.

  •  Create a compelling future

  • Emotion Regulation 

  • Communication for yourself

What Can Weekly Colorado Accountability Coaching Provide? 


© 2021 by Brian Lovegrove Coaching | Colorado Leadership Training

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