Few Connect.
Learn what effective people do differently in this Colorado leadership training workshop series based on John C. Maxwell's book of the same name.
Colorado Leadership Training:
Learn the One Thing Standing Between You and Success!
Join us for a transformational Colorado leadership training, 6-week workshop series, "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" starting on Thursday, April 20th, 2023, and ending on Thursday, May 25th, 2023. This workshop series is designed for those who want to enhance their communication and connection skills with others to take their relationships and influence to the next level.
In this workshop series, Brian Lovegrove, a certified Coach & Trainer with the Maxwell Leadership Team, will guide you through John Maxwell's Five Principles and Five Practices of connecting. You'll learn how to connect with others on a deeper level, identify with people, and relate to them in a way that increases your influence on them.
Whether you want to connect one-to-one, in a group setting, or with an audience, this Colorado leadership training workshop series will help you achieve your goals. The principles and practices of connecting will be taught in a way that is easy to understand and implement, helping you build stronger relationships with everyone you meet.
Throughout this workshop series, you'll discover that connecting is not just about words but about understanding and valuing others. You'll learn how to build trust, identify common ground, and keep things simple to make genuine connections that last.
At the end of this Colorado leadership training workshop series, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to connect effectively, increasing your influence in every situation. You'll also have access to additional training opportunities upon request, helping you and your team build better leaders in your organization.
Each of these six training classes will help enhance your team's skill level. We hope you and your team find them beneficial and help build better leaders in your organization. Additional training opportunities are available upon request.
Schedule a Discover Session with Brian Lovegrove to determine which free training would be best for your organization, and get ready to see all your relationships take a huge leap forward!
Free Colorado Leadership
Training Opportunities
Power of Ingluence
45 - 60 Minutes
Obtain trainings, strategies, and ideas that are focused on developing the habits and skills you need to achieve the results you want. You will get action steps on how to apply the material in your life immediately and practice it throughout the month.
All sessions have extended Q&As to ensure you understand the material and how to apply it to your life.
Time Mgt. & Productivity
45 - 60 Minutes
Group coaching is where you challenge limiting beliefs and negative behaviors in order to develop a new level of awareness and learn new skills and mentalities.
Brian will work with one group member at a time while the rest of the group observes. You reflect on the questions being asked and learn how to apply lessons to your situation.
Effective Communication
45 - 60 Minutes
Each member is invited to join a closed Facebook group where you can interact with the other seekers and staff to get help, support, and guidance when you need it.
We want this group to be a place where others can encourage one another. Where you can share your successes and struggles and provide feedback and support with people who are on a similar journey.